Optimizing the start-up time of your application
To optimize the start-up time of your Kanzi application:
- For images in your applications use raw and compressed formats, instead of .png and .jpg formats. When you use raw and compressed formats Kanzi needs to process less data before it sends it to the GPU. See Images and textures best practices.
- Use binary shaders. By default Kanzi compiles all shaders at runtime. When you use binary shaders, you remove the compilation step. See Using binary shaders.
- Use the parallel resource loading to load and process the resources from your application in multiple threads and deploy the resources to the GPU over multiple frames. See Loading resources in parallel.
- Load first a kzb file which contains the smallest amount of content you can show at application startup, such as a loading screen. Then start loading the kzb files which contain the rest of your application. See Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application.
- Reorganize the scene graph of your application in Kanzi Studio. Kanzi loads the resources when it needs them. Reorganize the scene graph to postpone the loading of resources until less important parts of the scene graph become visible. Doing so the application can skip those resources and start faster.
- Design your application to support gradual loading. For example, show the loading screen while you load the base UI, and once the base UI is loaded and operational, preload the application resources for the other parts of the UI. See Loading prefab resources asynchronously.
See also
Application idle state
Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application
Loading resources in parallel
Images and textures best practices
Using binary shaders
Troubleshooting the performance of your application
Loading prefab resources asynchronously
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